
Pro-Prologue, 2021-01-03

The following essay has been on my homepage whilst being a postdoctoral scholar at University of California, Irvine. Some of the data is outdated, some of the systems mentioned, too. The affiliations of the early reviewers who provided valuable comments may be out of date, as well. I am putting this version online for historical reasons—the general point is, however, still valid.

Slightly edited version of the original essay starts here!


For the past years I have always wondered, why interpretation has such a bad reputation. In most discussions, people are usually quick to point out that interpreters are just too slow and therefore implementers should not pay any attention to them. There are, however, clear benefits of having an interpreter—benefits that get lost when implementing a dynamic compilation subsystem. There are questions I ask myself when considering system implementation, and this essay represents my subjective point-of-view of the design space of interpretation vs. just-in-time compilation and the involved trade-offs. Initially, I thought that the arguments would hold true for interpreters in general, however, after getting many insightful comments from some of my colleagues and careful consideration, I think it is best to limit the scope of this essay to the subdomain of implementing high level programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc. It would be very interesting to evaluate the design space and trade-offs for lower level languages, such as Java, and give a complete account of the status-quo in interpretation—unfortunately, I currently do not have time to undertake such a resource-intensive endeavor.

Why interpreters matter (at least for high-level programming languages)

In 1984 Peter Deutsch and Alan Schiffman published their landmark paper on the efficient implementation of the Smalltalk-80 system. Reading this paper is highly recommended, since it introduces several ideas for efficiently implementing systems, dynamic compilation being the key issue. Substantial research in this area followed, ultimately culminating in today’s high-performance Java virtual machines, JavaScript virtual machines, etc. For an excellent writeup on the history of just-in-time compilation, please read the corresponding paper by John Aycock.

David Ungar mentions that once he got a taste of dynamic translation, he never bothered to squeeze smaller performance improvements out of the interpreters (source). This is somewhat contrary to Mike Pall’s [1] experience, quoting from (source):

[…] It’s much easier to record what an interpreter is doing. Just patch its dispatch table and intercept every instruction. The small gains of a simplistic compiler over a carefully handoptimized interpreter are just not worth the trouble (the LJ1 JIT compiler is not much faster than the LJ2 interpreter, sometimes it’s worse. […]

In general, people seem to ignore interpreters and their performance and I think this is a mistake. This essay’s intent is to provide points arguing in favor of interpreters and improving their performance—that seems to eclipse the public’s opinion and is worthwhile to be pointed out. Interpreters inhabit an interesting sweet-spot on the performance-price curve. This is primarily due to their ease-of-implementation. The implementation costs for an interpreter pale in comparison to the ones required by implementing an optimizing native code compiler. Furthermore, interpreters can be implemented in a highly portable manner [3], so that we are able to port an interpreter to a new architecture in a matter of days. This, too, is diametrically opposite to the necessity of building a new backend for a compiler (i.e., we take the separation of frontend-backend for granted, since this is a best-practice for compiler implementation.) Summing up, this gives a “big bang for the buck”: with only little effort (my personal estimate is a matter of weeks) you get a portable execution environment.

Besides drastically reduced implementation costs for an interpreter, there is another secondary effect: reduced maintenance costs. In order to have comparable portability, a compiler needs a backend for each target architecture. Therefore, there is much more surface available for sometimes hard to find and resolve bugs. NB: The exact same argument holds for just-in-time compilers.

The price of using a just-in-time compiler vs. an interpreter.

The previous paragraphs present the rather well-known pro-interpreter arguments. It turns out, however, that there are several others that seem to not find their way into public discussions. Any dynamic compilation subsystem trades off space for time. They use additional space to hold generated native machine code, and speedup subsequent execution by handing control over to the optimized representation. In consequence, a JIT-compiler gives you improved performance at the expense of memory [4].

The following examples illustrate this point:

Dimension Unladden Swallow PyPy 1.8
fastest 2.86x (nbody on a 64 bit) 10.6490x nbody (arg: [50k, 100k])
slowest 0.90x (spambayes on a 32 bit) 1.6679x binarytrees (arg: [10, 12])
Memory consumption    
highest 7.92x (~85 MiB) (spambayes 64 bit) 7.2199x (~49 MiB) on binarytrees (arg: 12)
lowest 1.11x (~148 MiB) (slowspitfire 64 bit) 2.8165x (~19 MiB) on nbody (arg: 100k)

In addition to this trading off space for time, whenever we look at concrete performance results, we find that there always are some benchmarks which benefit much more from just-in-time compilation than others. For example, if we take a look at the mandelbrot benchmark from the computer language benchmarks game, we see that it consists of simple computations with almost trivial control flow. This is a kind of program that benefits enormously from JIT compilation, as the JIT compiler is able to remove all kinds of overheads associated with executing the program in the regular interpreter, such as removing the overhead of dynamic typing, repeated (un-)boxing and removing all reference count operations (i.e., all the increment and decrement operations.) If, for instance, the benchmark program is not that amenable to JIT compilation, e.g., by having to use a data type that has no corresponding native machine equivalent (such as a complex number) and can therefore not be operated on by native machine operations (e.g., a single addition assembly instruction), the achievable speedup potential is much more limited. [7] Here, for concrete examples we can take a look at the binarytrees and spectralnorm benchmarks of the computer language benchmarks game:

Dimension PyPy 1.8 Optimized Interpreter
Speedup 1.6679x 1.8050x
Memory ~49 MiB ~7 MiB
Speedup 2.9707x 2.2528x
Memory ~24 MiB ~5 MiB

To put these numbers into context, an optimized interpreter using advanced purely interpretative optimization techniques can have better performance (for binarytrees), or cover a lot of the distance of the compiled code, i.e., relative to an optimized interpreter for spectralnorm, the JIT compiler is “only” 32% faster (speedup by a factor of 1.3187.) At the same time, we see the impact JIT compilation has on memory consumption, which is roughly a factor of 7x for binarytrees and almost 5x for spectralnorm. [8]

This essay’s intent is not to talk down the importance of just-in-time compilers or the highly relevant insights gained from the substantial research efforts going into just-in-time compilers. This could not be further from the truth, as I believe that if performance is the ultimate goal for a virtual machine, there is only so much an interpreter can do for you. There are, however, other scenarios where the trade-offs involved might have adversarial effects.

Let’s take a look at the current state of affairs for web applications. If, for a given set of available hardware we can have N concurrent connections, then additional memory requirements might reduce the amount of concurrent connections by the corresponding overhead; for the sake of argument let’s just use the 2.8x minimum additional memory requirements from PyPy 1.8. Switching from CPython 3.3a0 to PyPy 1.8 reduces the concurrent connections from N to N/2.8, or if we wanted to keep concurrent connections constant, we would have to add 2.8 times more memory to these machines. That is, however, only one side of the medal. If your Python application is amenable to JIT compilation, i.e., achieves performance speedups in the 11x area, the additional memory requirements might be offset by the additional gains in throughput (not factoring in network or IO latencies.) [9, 10]

Finally, in a mixed-mode execution environment, where a virtual machine starts interpreting programs and only performs JIT compilation once it detects that pieces of code are hot, i.e., much more frequently executed. For such a virtual machine, interpreter performance is still interesting, as compilation is driven by heuristics, such as function-size. If a function is too long, it might never be compiled and always interpreted instead. The same holds true for deoptimization purposes: if speculatively compiled code is incorrect, the dynamic compilation subsystem restores interpreter state and hands control over to the interpreter. A similar situation exists for trace-based JIT compilation, where one would use an interpreter to record traces before actually compiling them.

An alternative to mixed-mode execution environments are actual just-in-time compilation virtual machines, such as the Google’s V8 or Oracle Labs’ Maxine virtual machine. In those systems, a so-called template JIT generates native machine code for each function/method it encounters, i.e., the code is never interpreted. Consequently, this strategy requires more memory, as it generates native machine code for all functions directly. It would be interesting to give figures; unfortunately, I do not have any.

Summing up, I hope this essay dispenses the usual argument that interpreters are just slow and using a dynamic compilation subsystem is always better (i.e., unconditionally). There is indeed a sweet-spot for interpreters on the performance/price curve and interpretation frequently offers the following benefits:

If, however, performance is your ultimate goal, you usually have to trade off either one or some combination of these characteristics when deciding to implement a just-in-time compiler. In closing, I want to say that I think combining fast interpreters with just-in-time compilers is mutually beneficial, e.g., if you have a fast interpreter, you might end up delaying code generation or leverage additional information gathered by the interpreter to generate more aggressive—therefore faster—machine code directly. The design space in construction of dynamic compilation subsystems is rather large and there is no systematic discussion on pros/cons for either approach. Which approach works best usually depends on concrete system configuration and the program/application at hand. Therefore, it seems that the design space for virtual machines is too large to be able to have a one-size-fits-all solution for all programs/configurations.


Thanks to Per Larsen (University of California, Irvine), Christian Wimmer and Mason Chang (Oracle Labs), and Michael Bebenita (Mozilla Research) for extensive feedback, discussions and additional comments.


I have been working on optimizing interpreters, specifically the Python 3.x interpreters, and while I use results of that work (reported as “optimized interpreter”), it is at no point my intention to advocate my own work.


Mike Pall

Mike Pall is the implementer of the LuaJIT system. The quote comes from his discussion of LuaJIT 2, which is a tracing just-in-time compiler plus interpreter, i.e., a mixed-mode virtual machine.


Christian Wimmer mentioned that this is primarily an argument against baseline compilers (such as template JITs), and not against optimizing JIT compilers. This seems plausible (though I have not looked at the LuaJIT 1 source code), but I believe it does not affect the argument for interpreters and their optimization.


Christian Wimmer pointed out that heavily optimized interpreters, such as the one in Sun’s HotSpot JVM, are not portable, as it consists of hand-tuned assembly instructions. This is obviously true. However, an interesting question is, whether porting these hand-written interpreters is compares favorably with the effort necessary to create a new backend.


I received some comments on the abundance of memory in most devices which weakens the argument, since memory clearly cannot be an important consideration when you have enough of it. My personal view on this matter is, however, different: Having more memory translates to higher energy requirements. The relevant question is: What requires more energy, the interpreter or powering the additional memory? (I have not yet found a paper with a satisfactory answer.)


This is a pure black-box evaluation, i.e., it is entirely possible that some of the overheads correspond to differences in memory management (e.g., generational garbage collector vs. reference counting, which is well known to be space-efficient.) While this is true for all numbers, I think it is still illustrative, because a JIT compiler usually requires a more “spacious” memory management technique, i.e., I have never seen a dynamic compilation subsystem using immediate reference counting. In addition, there are other factors in the mix, such as difference in object layout, libraries, internals (such as different String representation, etc.) Since I do not have corresponding data available, I cannot quantify how these factors skew the results in either direction.

Furthermore, my evaluation uses a modified nanobench testing program, i.e., timing includes warm-up times and JIT compilation times. Therefore, because some of the arguments are rather small, it might very well be that the benefits of running JIT compiled code are probably not always visible. This is, however, irrelevant, as the numbers primarily demonstrate memory consumption.


It is very well possible that with the arguments chosen, the benefits of JIT compilation cannot be reaped accordingly, e.g., the profiling plus code generation takes longer (latency) than the execution in the interpreter. In fact, for binarytrees I did a quick check on my machine with the argument 16 and found that PyPy 1.8 is 2.6 times faster than the optimized interpreter (just using the “time” command line utility), for the argument 500 spectralnorm is about 1.74 times faster than the optimized interpreter (again using the “time” program.) It goes without saying that I did not select arguments to display this effect intentionally. In fact, I think this could be an indicator for applications where JITing is strictly superior to interpreting (such as long running desktop software.)


Michael Bebenita pointed out that this essentially reduces to calling a library function to implement the functionality. It is true that an interpreter would have to do this, too, but if most of the computational time is spent in library code that is not inline-able by a just-in-time compiler, the corresponding optimization potential is lower and therefore interpretation and just-in-time compilation seem “equal” w.r.t. achievable performance.


Comparable data for Java-based systems would be very interesting for comparison purposes. Unfortunately, no such data are available to me but would be highly relevant and surely interesting.

Furthermore, my data collection cannot pinpoint whether the overhead is due to the actual JIT compiler caching code, or due to overhead in the memory subsystem. People may argue that for the JIT compiler to unfold its performance potential it cannot use reference counting for memory management and therefore the JIT compiler uses more memory, e.g., to accommodate multiple generations, etc. A direct consequence of this line of thinking is that if I valued space efficiency over performance, an interpreter using reference counting might be beat any dynamic compilation subsystem.


Christian Wimmer remarked that for Java like systems the memory consumption of a JITed system might very well be lower than for an interpreter, primarily due to beneficial effects of inlining and escape analysis. In addition, compiled code scales better than interpreted code and additional memory consumption is only necessary during compilation. These are reasonable remarks, and I cannot comment on the situation for dynamically typed programming languages used in that scenario (as I have no comparable data.)


Mason Chang mentioned that the big players in the field (Google, Facebook, etc.) could not care less about the complexity and money involved, as the performance improvement translates directly into benefits. This is certainly true, on the other hand I believe that there are many companies who cannot rely on the same economics.